Facts retailers against emotions chapter GUI

Trading networks of home appliances and electronics applied to the executive branch of the country to investigate the actions of a public servant - Chapter Gospotrebinspektsii Serhiy Smith and his deputy, W. Wilczynski, triggering an emotional reaction to the head office.

C. Nuts on March 11, communicates with retailers of home appliances and electronics only through the media. In his response to a number of online sources, Mr. Nuts moved to the individual network owners and their business accused of trying to "corrupt the current government."

On behalf of retailers of consumer electronics Ukraine rights leader in this sector of the market, set the standards of Ukrainians and defending their rights at all levels, we declare that the current actions of the chief administrative officer Gospotrebinspektsii are aimed to distract market participants from the essence of the problem.

Debunk the "mirror" technology will help the following facts and arguments:
- Quality appliances sold in our supermarkets, ensure suppliers of goods - Importers - leading manufacturers of consumer electronics world, as they have repeatedly stated publicly. Specific facts about the smuggling and counterfeiting in our networks never be advertised;
- Charges retailers - is the result of the position of Office, which laws and regulations with a view to the CMU treats fiscal pressure, rather than consumer protection. We would like to remind you that during the last 3 months after signing a memorandum with the agency Smith, calls for retailers and producers of technology affect the quality of laws and legislative framework lead to a single interpretation, were ignored;
- Our communication with the office of Mr. Smith's December 2013 conducted a public plane and community involvement (European Business Association, the Association of household appliances and electronics, the Ukrainian public organization "Union of Ukrainian consumers, the Consumer Federation of Ukrainian" Pulse ");
- Go to the individual co-founders of GK "Foxtrot" demonstrates the level of moral and legal culture of civil servants.

Today trade has developed crisis of the existing system of protection of consumers' rights, and the entire energy Gospotrebinspektsii aimed at the most civilized part of the trade - retail chains, where the client has no risks regarding product quality. The current legislation on consumer protection has many conventional formalities which do not reflect the real quality of the art, but giving rise Gospotrebinspektsii penalize sellers.

One goal of our struggle - to draw attention to the real problems Gospotrebinspektsii consumer protection system in Ukraine is really relevant to customers (quality of goods in the markets in non-network retail in MAFah - from private entrepreneurs), and bring to justice corrupt officials.
Today we have prepared changes to the new zakonodatelstvu Ukraine on consumer rights, which not only provide grounds for the harshest sanctions towards civilized trade industry in Ukraine - retail, and will be a reliable filter for these infringers Ukrainian consumers.

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