Draw and be happy!

On the eve of International Children's Day in Kiev, summed up the Ukrainian creative competition "The Younger Generation - for Safe Road ", organized by the Office of Traffic Police Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, with the support of "Foxtrot. Technique for Home” Trading Network and Motor Transport Office of Ukraine.

The competition is held annually to prevent child road traffic injuries and parenting relationship for strict implementation of traffic rules.

This year's contest jury received more than 500 works by young artists from all over Ukraine. Children from 5 to 17 years sent their art in different categories - "Best Picture", "Work on the decorative arts" (embroidery, mosaics, applications, etc.)"," Photography ".

May 30 in Kiev were honored students - winners of the creative competition. In the hall of the Center of Culture and Arts in Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine conveniently located main audience of young advocates for safe driving - a few hundred students in Kiev. The authors 10 of the most striking works went on stage sent to the contest "The Younger Generation - for Safe Traffic!" from different cities of Ukraine. "Foxtrot" is a member of the jury.

In "Sympathy" nomination sixth-grader Roman Lozitsky from Kakhovska school number 4 of the Kherson region was awarded as an author of the work  "Culture of Traffic Means Your Life! ". He was supported by the “Foxtrot. Technique for Home.” Drawing, in the opinion of the jury that best reflect the idea «It is Comfortable if it is Safe!».

- In the process of implementation among children the culture of good behavior on the streets, on the roads, there careful attitude for their own safety and the safety of others appears. Therefore, the "Foxtrot" gladly supported the young promoters of vital rules! - Executive Director of the «Foxtrot. Technique for Home” Vyacheslav Povroznik said.

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