"Foxtrot", "Eldorado" and "Somfy" join forces

The biggest players in retail receive multimillion fines BTiE industry is facing a crisis of consumer protection. State Inspectorate for Consumer Protection (Gospotrebinspektsiya) has written a trading network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances "fine for an unprecedented amount of 401 mln. Prior to this, shops network "Eldorado" were fined 103,66 mln. Verification is still ongoing, which may lead to further exactions.

December 5 trading network "Foxtrot", "Eldorado" and "Somfy", being competitors in the market, united for the survival of the industry. They gathered like-minded people at the master class for the media, where spoke about the imperfections in the legal framework, allowing the fiscal pressure and the desire to destroy Gospotrebinspektsii industry. Importers of household appliances have already written reference to Chapter Gospotrebinspektsii Ukraine with acute assessment of the situation and supported the commercial networks in their intentions.

- I believe that today we are experiencing a crisis of the current system of consumer protection, and the entire energy Gospotrebinspektsii that Ukraine intended to protect consumers from products that truly represents a threat to human life and health, is aimed at the most civilized part of the trade - retail chains, where client virtually no risk to buy counterfeit goods - said at a press breakfast organized trading network "Foxtrot" Media CEO of the Association of Consumer Electronics Oleg Ivanov. - The current legislation has many conventional formalities (which can be interpreted in two ways) do not reflect the real quality products, but giving rise Gospotrebinspektsii penalize sellers.

The current conflict between the head of Ukraine Gospotrebinspektsii networks and home appliances demonstrated shortcomings of the old law on consumer protection. And also spawned a controversial idea - why the head Gospotrebinspektsii using fuzzy prescribed items CMU on technical regulations, so critical to the quality ratings of household appliances and assesses the integrity of the leading players in the market? This desire to impose sanctions or consumer protection?

During communication with the media, representatives of the trade network "Foxtrot" and expressed the opinion expressed network consolidation "Foxtrot", "Eldorado", "Somfy", "Hello" in the struggle for the rights of consumers, industry and the honor of the transition to the active phase of on improving the sectoral legislation. One goal - to draw attention to the real problems Gospotrebinspektsii consumer protection system in Ukraine is really relevant to customers (quality of goods in the markets, MAFah - from private entrepreneurs).

- In the near future - the work of our lawyers in the courts, as well as an appeal to the country's top leadership - the President of Ukraine, Prime Minister, Interior Minister, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade and all the embassies of the importing countries. I think, to an international scandal will not come! - Said about future plans executive director of network "Foxtrot. Household Vyacheslav Povroznik. - Pressure on retailers should be discontinued, and the new Law of Ukraine on consumer rights should be adopted as amended, and our work is not as a basis for the harshest sanctions the most civilized branch of trade in Ukraine, and as a reliable filter for real offenders.

- All goes beyond healthy sense - assessed the situation executive director of the trade network "Eldorado" Sergei Tsybulsky. - Organs go to get money from those who constantly puts cordons counterfeit.

- Civilized retail got hit in the back and makes us think of those who develop the business in the country, contains jobs and fill state budget - Opinion Gennady Verbilenko, Executive Director of "Comfy".

Their determination to support and importers of household appliances in Ukraine, voicing appeal to the head Gospotrebinspektsii Sergei Orekhov:
"On the shelves of retailers" Foxtrot "," Eldorado "," Somfy "," Hello "," Epicenter "no counterfeit, and all the products we provide to Ukrainian consumers in these retail chains is official, we have acquired from the warehouses of retailers on the territory of Ukraine. All products have been officially certified under the laws of Ukraine and tested to meet quality and safety requirements, as documented, - said in a statement signed by representatives of the leading importers. - The reason for non-compliance with laws accusations of consumer rights was inadequate legislation of Ukraine, his interpretation of ambiguous points marking marks of conformity, information about the product name and address of the manufacturer. Sure bylaws governing the system of today to protect the rights of consumers in Ukraine, contrary to international law, international trade rules, contribute to the flourishing of corruption in the country, because they were taken from the fiscal goal. "

And at the actual meeting with media suppliers of imported equipment were unanimous.
- All products of Samsung, which sold in Ukraine, which is supplied by «Samsung Electronics Ukraine" certified and meet all standards and requirements of the legislation of Ukraine. I'll often go to the "Foxtrot", watch how our machines are placed on the shelves of trade, and in all that time - and it is 8 years old - have not seen once counterfeiting technology - said the head of household appliances «Samsung Electronics Ukraine" Vitaly Kuznetsov .

Within a week, retailers and their partners are going to sound clear requirements for new legislation on the quadripartite roundtable on this issue (retail chains, importers and representatives of public organizations of Ukraine Gospotrebinspektsii). The new law can be found at https://me.kmu.gov.ua/control/uk/publish/category/system?cat_id=32862&stind=21

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