"Foxtrot" is Excellent

The "Foxtrot" Group has presented its fifth non-financial business Report on the Sustainable Development in 2012 as a member of the UN Global Agreement. The Report text is available on the official website of the UN Global Agreement https://www.unglobalcompact.org/participants/detail/4483-Group-of-Companies-Foxtrot and GCF https://www.foxtrot.ua/files/zvit_2012.pdf

18-year anniversary of our business has brought for us public recognition - the title of "National Trademark.» This means that the idea of corporate social responsibility gained maturity, consistency and became a philosophy of business enterprises under the brands of GCF.

Among business commitments in the framework of the UN Global Compact is the responsibility to employees and their families. In 2012, the retail chain "Foxtrot. Technique for Home” has implemented project "Mentoring" for effective education and training of professional sales staff. We have a project "School Directors", which aims to increase sales assistants to administrators and managers of shops. In 2012 it won the competition among the best employers and received "Award HR-brand Ukraine."
The "Safety School” become in 2012 successful business social project. Under the slogan «It is Comfortable if it is Safe!» the business structures supported the initiatives of Crimean Movement of Young Traffic Inspectors and competition of the KVN (Club of the Cheerful and Smart) of the YUID (Young Traffic Inspectors) (KVN YUID), XII Ukrainian Picking Contest of Young Rescuers “Safety School”, said the winners of the “Ukrainian contest of creativity "Security in Life - Life in Safety."

The real innovation was the creation of a social project in the Ukraine's first animated series about the rules of safe behavior and activity "Fox and Trot to the Rescue" (4 series). Together with the State Service for Emergency Situations and the Regional Offices of Education in schools have gifted 5000 DVDS with educational animated series and 20,000 educational leaflets " Act Right In Case of Fire!" based on the cartoon. Jointly we held 10 children's parties, just Safety Lessons in Kyiv, Lviv, Lutsk, Zaporizhzhya and region, Chernivtsi, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr, in the Crimea.

"Foxtrot" GC is for a healthy lifestyle/ In 2012 it became for the tenth time the was a partner of the International Dance Sport "Golden Autumn" tournament and the tenth time, became the general partner of the International Dance Sport Tournament "Parade of Hopes," and network "Foxtrot. Technique for Home” sets up its own cup to perform a foxtrot as a complex dance of the European program..

Thanks to the eco-program "Green Office" the "Foxtrot" GC staff and partners in 2012 transferred to the processing 7 tonnes of waste paper, it means that 119 trees were saved. Received trash funds were used to help orphanages in Kiev region.
Sustainability Report demonstrates a new level of business participation in society. The development strategy of GCF brand is focused on a customer. Our social projects are systemic, cross-checked with the social public policy and support the activities of public authorities in solving urgent social problems

GCFdevelops brands