"Foxtrot" and Zaporozhian Knights of Security

​In Zaporizhzhya took place the awarding holiday for the "Safety Month" activists. It was on November - December 2012 in the field of education.

January, 29 more than 200 children gathered in the lobby of the assembly hall of the Zaporizhzhya regional Office of the Ministry of Emergency. Pupils looked with interest at an drawings exhibition of the regional art contest for children "Ministry of Emergency by Children’s Eyes." The bright posters, educational models, literary works, multimedia presentations  on the stands showed the position of the authors regarding their own and collective security. Bright posters, educational models, literary works, multimedia presentations and even hand made things were there. More than 500 works in four categories have been shown at a creative contest.

Then the participants of the event and the viewers entered the room, decorated with bright red balls. The awarding ceremony started. Children as the winners of art competitions "Self Rescuer", "Ministry of Emergency by Children's Eyes" and other actions of the "Safety Month" program congratulated the organizers of the festival. These were the specialists from Ministry of Emergency in Zaporizhzhya region, experts of Regional Office of Technical Safety Department, the regional authorities of the Red Cross Society and regional Volunteer Firefighters Organization.

Celebration of the ceremony for activists held the "Foxtrot. Technique for Home» Trade Network. There were a lot of gifts, balloons and educational cartoons! The main event at the awards ceremony was the cartoon show "Fox and Trot at Rescue." The kids enthusiastically watched several series of animated cartoon "Household appliances", "Fire" and a video about how the "Safety Lesson" was held in other cities of Ukraine.

Since 2012, "Foxtrot organized in children's festivals"Safety School" its own social project "Security Lessons." They teach young children the rules of safe life by demonstrating their own educational cartoon "Fox and Trot at Rescue." Nice Fox and robot Trot has already visited Kiev, Chernivtsi, Crimea, Lviv, Chernihiv, Zhytomyr. Zaporozhye "Lesson security" was held exactly at the "Safety Month".award ceremony,
- People in Zaporozhye gladly responded to a good idea to support kids, and to show nice cartoon – the Executive Director of the "Foxtrot. Technique for Home» trade network Vyacheslav Povroznik said. - In addition, we gave to Zaporizhzhya schools thousand of postcards, posters "During a Fire, Act Right!" based at the cartoon pictures, and DVDSs. After all, happiness and comfort are only in happy and healthy families.

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