"Foxtrot" – elected by consumers

Trading network "Foxtrot" by results of voting of consumers won the "Favorites of Success" -2013, improved by 8% its previous rate
June 5, 2014 a ceremony of awarding the winners of the prestigious national rating "Favorites of Success," which explores the Ukrainian market for 12 years. Trading network "Foxtrot" received the highest score among the consumers of home appliances supermarkets: it chose 61.9% of voters. At the same time the largest retailer BTiE has a large lead over the other 9 members of nomination, operating in the market and automatically in the rating.

In the non-profit competition "Favorites of Success", a simple and transparent scheme of rating research and determine the winners. All of participants in voting could choose from 10 retailers those market participants, who are considered the best. The information obtained from the respondents in the survey, are available to the public. Voting results are certified by the marketing research company InMind and audited the Kiev International Institute of Sociology (KIIS).

- Consumers appreciated dynamic development, harmony, innovation and accessibility, on which are working our staff, - said Vyacheslav victory Povroznik, executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances ".  - If last year "Foxtrot" won in this ranking, receiving 54.1% of the votes of consumers, by the results in 2013, this figure increased by almost 8%. This result is confirmed with the audit of international level an indicator of a good relationship and high loyalty to the "Foxtrot" on the part of consumers.
The company is called the most significant innovations of the last year, which probably caused the increase in consumer confidence in the brand "Foxtrot": the introduction of multi-channel sales, the implementation of an innovative format stores Shop-in-shop, the introduction of dual - bonus and discount - functional loyalty card "Foxtrot "start of the project" Financial Supermarket "and a number of advanced services to customers. As a leading retail chain has opened 16 new stores to be even closer to customers, and conducted a remodeling 30 stores.

The retailer is actively communicate with their customers - on the International Day for elderly people "Foxtrot" had  hands on courses for seniors and students and their parents repeatedly invited to Lesson safety rules to promote children's behavior at home. "Foxtrot" regularly conducted the world premieres of new products in the product line, treated on culinary master classes and pleased customers fashion tips meetings directly with stylists in the halls of supermarkets.

In order to improve the quality of customer service in the "Foxtrot" was launched some very important projects for the company, including the popularization of new service standards by bringing "brand advocates" of the number of employees of retail; updating of all systems of motivation for all business units and departments of the company; implementation of performance appraisal system for KPI-based Balanced ScoreCard; development project a corporate culture "I believe in the" Foxtrot ", in which the main emphasis is given to the microclimate in the outlet.

- Victory in the national ranking of "Favorites of Success" - this is the best guide when choosing a product or service, since the rating reflects the real level of public preferences and confidence in the brand from buyers who express their opinions, share personal experiences and indicate your choice on the best FAVOR.com.ua. It's reliable advice to all who seek to take from life only the best - summed Alexei Kuznetsov, managing partner of the competition.

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