Foxtrot helped set up "Points of Invincibility" in Zaporizhzhia

The retailer of electronics joined the all-Ukrainian project "Points of Invincibility" in Zaporizhzhia and equipped stationary locations with the necessary household appliances on the basis of fire and rescue units of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhia region

The main purpose of Points of Invincibility: to become a center of safety and protection for Ukrainians in the event of an emergency power outage. Humanitarian shelter locations operate 24/7 and free of charge in the format of temporary stay.

In 6 districts of Zaporozhye, stationary points of indomitability have become more comfortable, thanks to Foxtrot. Kettles, electric stoves, and microwaves completed the equipment that will help the people of Zaporizhzhia to survive this winter in the conditions of war.

Rescuers installed powerful generators to provide electricity, satellite internet, and Foxtrot provided kettles and microwaves for household needs. After all, the townspeople will find tea and quick-cooking products at the points, which cannot be prepared without household appliances.

– Aid to rescuers is among the priorities of the corporate headquarters "Help for our", because currently Ukrainian civilians suffer the most from the war, – Foxtrot Executive Director Oleksiy Zozulya explains the support. – We are honored to help these unarmed heroes, and especially the rescuers of Zaporizhzhia, who are very close to the front line.

The request letter for help to the rescuers stated that during the 9 months of full-scale war against the Russian occupiers, the employees of the State Emergency Service extinguished 657 fires caused by enemy shelling, and 953 times participated in liquidation of the consequences of air attacks.

We will remind you that in peacetime, the Foxtrot Group implemented preventive educational measures – Safety Lessons – with the emergency services of various Ukrainian regions. Over 100,000 schoolchildren have attended such events in the Zaporizhzhia region alone for more than 10 years of partnership. And the cartoon series "Fox and Trot rush to the rescue" was watched by about 2 million Ukrainian schoolchildren on the Internet.

– During the 9 months of the war, the business helped the rescuers for more than 30 requests received from 20 regional Head Offices of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. We believe that the times will return when we will once again teach schoolchildren about safety rules with cartoons, quizzes and gifts, – says the chairman of the Board of Founders of Foxtrot GK Gennadiy Vykhodtsev. – Together to victory!

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