Foxtrot – the industry driver!

On July 25th the Kyiv National Trade and Еconomic University top leaders of the industry were congratulated at the top level, on occasion of the Day of labor. Organized by The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine supported with of Ukrainian Trade Аssociation, the association of Consumer Electronics in Ukraine five years in the row, the ceremony emphasize, the importance of trade to be one of the key sectors of the economy of Ukraine. The guests of the event were the best trade workers from more than fifty well-known brands.

Twenty participants were from the “Foxtrot”. Under the banner “The economy forward – the industry driver – “Foxtrot” presented the best sellers of the supermarkets “Foxtrot” in Kiev and regions – Juriy Kharchenko (Moscovkiy ave.), Mikhail Korchmar (Gorkogo st.), Evgeniy Panjuta (Getmana st.), from Khmelnickaya oblast Iryna Kordan, Igor Zgoba, managerial staff were presented by Anastasia Roshka from Kiev’s store (Osvoboditeley st.), senior logistic manager Roman Melnikov, head of retail from Odessa Anatoliy Sokolenko.

The delegation was headed by Andrey Ostrogljad, who in 9 years working at “Foxtrot”, from seller became head of sales outlets. He was personally congratulated by Minister of Economy and Trade Igor Prasolov and gave gratitude presented by Prime Minister of Ukraine.

 That day workers from “Foxtrot” went up on stage again and again – for the certificates of the Association of Consumer Electronics, head of Desnjanskogo district of the capital, in which celebration of the best in industry took place. Aleskey Glek (senior salesman mentor at supermarket “Foxtrot” in Odessa) sang about “Foxtrot’s” ability of growing talents not only in salesroom, but support grows of creative talents of its employee.

- We really wanted that our colleagues feel the importance of their role in grows of country’s economy, and role of the “Foxtrot” as a leader of industry – was mentioned by Juliya Gerzanich, “Foxtrot’s” head of the HR.  -It was nice to see that our colleagues in industry inherited an example of corporate spirit of “Foxtrot”. It means that “Foxtrot” really is a – the industry driver.

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