Ambitions of the leaders: to develop the industry and protect consumers' rights

At the VI International konsumerskom festival on the occasion of the World Day for the rights of consumers, industry leaders - Kyiv National Trade and Economic University and the Group of companies "Foxtrot" solemnly signed the partnership agreement.

March 14 at the conference hall of Kiev National Trade and Economic University signed an agreement on cooperation between the leaders of the trading industry. The document was signed by the rector Anatoly KNTEU Mazaraki founders and chairman of the Group of companies "Foxtrot" Gennady Hispanics. Than officially confirmed a partnership based in the last year, between the leading higher education institution and the trading industry leader in the domestic retail sector.

- Today, when a business wants to present the reform of the Ukrainian economy and actively promotes this is especially important to cooperation between relevant scientific - educational institutions and business organizations - said Gennady Vykhodtsev after signing. - I appreciate the efforts of the University, in hard times here grown new buildings, dormitories, restored old buildings, that there really strong material - technical base and feel the spirit of the alma mater of the industry. We want to be useful to teachers college in their work conscientiously prepare students to business sector to avoid a situation where there is a specialist diploma, and no competence.

Expertise of network "Foxtrot. Household "for the university educational process weight, because the network implements its successful policy of customer orientation.

- "Foxtrot" for 20 years, holds the leadership in the market and is the choice of millions of Ukrainians, so he's a good curator professional growth of our students, - said Natalia Pritulskaya, First Vice Rector KNTEU. - Entities under trademarks GKF have a clear understanding of their best practices and professional standards necessary for effective learning process and the competitiveness of our graduates in the market.
GC "Foxtrot" and KNTEU became official partners also in the field of consumer protection. After the sixth year here operates Ukrainian movement "Youth for the rights of consumers" under the slogan "Health - safety - welfare - dignity" and going to the International Festival konsumersky. This activity coincides with the philosophy of business development and strengthens the role of trade in a civilized system of consumer protection.

- "Foxtrot" refers to trade, which is precisely the person worthy industry because people implements a quality product, the buyer's right here are protected, it feels good attitude to the consumer and good atmosphere - Rector Anatoly KNTEU Mazaraki. - We can help enterprises in scientific consulting, solutions and options for justifying ideas. For example, in the field of legislation, which today is not entirely in our field, and "Foxtrot" is like no other feeling, trying to resolve the crisis in the field of consumer protection. Our university has such capabilities in providing expert assessment, in preparation of the necessary legislation. Thus, it is mutually beneficial cooperation with each partner gets a lot of preferences from him.

The signatories of the Agreement identified various areas of cooperation, among them - the leading specialists GC "Foxtrot" to the development of training materials, implementation of research in real-world business plane to teach professionally oriented disciplines, participate in the preparation and holding of seminars, round tables, master - class competitions. In its turn University perform expert retailers initiated reforms to protect the rights of consumers, provide the tools of formation of professional competencies of graduates and improving the quality of training for the trading industry.

GCFdevelops brands