New minister is ready for dialogue with retailers

Offers importers and retailers in Ukraine on reforms and the fight against corruption "emergency economic summit for Ukraine" announced the executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances "Vyacheslav Povroznik.

March 12 at the Inter Continental Hotel brought together representatives of the government, economy experts representing countries - members of the EU, USA, Georgia, etc.
The purpose of the Emergency Economic Summit for Ukraine is to find the correct and informed decisions and new ideas on financial stability, energy policy, the fight against corruption, as well as the inflow of capital and the development of trade relations. Among the speakers - Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Pavel Sheremet, ex-Minister of Economy Kakha Bendukidze, Senior Fellow Cato Institute, USA Andrei Illarionov, and others.

- During the last two years, we feel a significant deterioration in business conditions in connection with abuse of officials Gospotrebinspektsii Ukraine in the field of consumer protection, in tests - said Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Pavel Sheremet executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot" Vyacheslav Povroznik. - Continuous growth in the number of unscheduled inspections of bona fide companies ambiguous interpretations of legislation on information about the product and collecting billions in fines on that basis, the lack of responsibility of the inspectors for their own illegal actions are actually destroying civilized trade. At the same time, experts state increase in the proportion of gray and even black retail market, exposes the real danger of Ukrainian consumers.

Retailers gave the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Pavel Sheremet appeal concerning the situation in the region, and also offers immediate steps to resolve the situation in the trade network of anti-corruption and consumer protection:
- To amend the Law of Ukraine "On Protection of Consumers' Rights, to provide clarification regarding the definition of the norms of this Law, in practice interpreted ambiguously;
- Support and promote responsibility supervisory authorities to protect the rights of consumers for violations during inspections;
- Assess the activities Gospotrebinspektsii chairman and determine the extent of his personal responsibility for the crisis in the field of consumer protection in Ukraine.

Retailers and importers of household appliances offer profile ministers to establish an effective (and not nominal, as under the old regime), a working group under the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine to amend the legislation to protect the rights of consumers.

Vyacheslav Povroznik the question "How fast can you synchronize the European legislation to domestic business could breathe a sigh of relief?" Response was cautious:
- Regulation of the European Union - for mature countries, it is necessary to work carefully and implement European law practice in the most carefully - said the former Minister of Economy Kakha Bendukidze.
After the summit, Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Pavel Sheremet wrote on Facebook about the main findings of personal communication with the real economy. Among the nine abstracts - confirmation of the start of dialogue that said businessmen: "The biggest problem - it is the militant attitude of officials to business. We will change it, I promise. "

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