"Foxtrot" and 11 retailers presented "The passport of a profession" by Day of workers of trade

By 20th anniversary of Day of workers of trade the FOXTROT Group of companies presented the first in a retail professional standart - "The passport of a profession: professional standard of the selling assistant of nonfoods".

On July 23 solemn meeting of representatives of the leading workers of trade of the capital at the Kiev National University of Trade and Economic, on which presented to professional community the first in a retail "The passport of a profession" took place. The best representatives of a profession and heads of distribution networks of Ukraine, representatives of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Government of Ukraine, Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, local governments, public organizations, producers, consumers, scientific, expert institutions and international associations estimated an initiative of FOXTROT Group of companies and Highest commercial school of KNUTE.

"The passport of a profession" is a collective experience of employers of 11 trade enterprises of Ukraine ("Foxtrot", "ATB-market", "Auchan - Ukraine", “Billa”, "Brusnichka", "EKO-market", "Epicentre", MTI, "Novus", "Secunda", "Furshet"), and also industry public organizations (European Business Association, the Ukrainian Association of Commerce, Association of the enterprises of household appliances and electronics) and profile educational institutions.

“The project took place with the maximum productivity, because, since September 1 pupils of technical training colleges as "selling assistant" will already study according to the updated training programs, and competences of the graduate will be most approached to expectations of employers” - Gennady Vykhodtsev, the CEO of FOXTROT Group of companies commented on an event.

Authors of "The professional standard "Selling Assistant of Nonfoods" in detail described how the expert has to perform works of trade and technological process on a workplace, work with the buyer, use the registrar of settlement operations (RSO), observe requirements of labor protection, sanitation and hygiene. Professional standard contains cards of types of work, lists the main labor functions and criteria of an assessment of necessary skills.

There were best sellers of distribution networks "Foxtrot", "Secunda", " Furshet", "Auchan", "Novus", "Brusnichka", "Epicentre", who the first solemnly receive on July 23 the short version of a professional standard "The passport of a profession". After all retailers made the Professional Standard the industry document with the consolidated opinion of the employer.

Quality of training in establishments of vocational training will change with transformation profstandarta in the educational standard, and retailers minimize efforts for independent formation of necessary competences of workers on the first workplace, -Moiseenko Tatyana, the HR-director of a distribution network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances" tells - It is the leader project not only in fact, but also in a form - after all it is the first in a retail and, I think, experts of grocery sector can continue our experience.

"The passport of a profession" passed examination on observance of modern criteria of labor market to Federations of Employers of Ukraine and it is published on the website of a repository of professional qualifications (https://www.profstandart.org.ua/standarts).

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