Started June workshops on working with PSO

June 10, 2015 in the conference hall of the Central office of "Foxtrot" (Kyiv) hosted the first of nine scheduled free seminars on the rules of the work of entrepreneurs with registrars settlement operations (PPO). Expert "Foxtrot", the representative of the State Fiscal Service (SFS) of Ukraine and the RSO manufacturer trademarks Datecs shared with the algorithm of working with cash registers.

According to the changes in the Tax Code of Ukraine every entrepreneur working on the rules of the third group of single tax payers, and it's almost 100 thousand Ukrainians should install such a device before July 1, 2015. More about 500 thousand entrepreneurs will have to set up PSO before  January 1, 2016.
- For comparison – now in Ukraine employs approximately 280,000 PSO, - said Alexander Podkamenetsky, Project Manager of the PSO manufacturer «SystemGroup Ukraine" brand Datecs.
Workshop participants were interested in the practical aspects of innovation and how they will affect, for example, online stores, taxi services, self-service terminals. Listeners also asked questions about the technical specifications of different models of a PSO, some of which were presented at the seminar, so everyone could practice using them.
It was identified the main stages of implementation and operation of the PSO in the enterprise:
• selection and acquisition of the PPO;
• conclusion of the agreement with the service centers;
• registration of cash registers in the SFS (State fiscal servise) ofUkraine;
• fiscalization and commissioning;
• Sending data to the server information acquirer;
• monthly maintenance.
Stanislav Kubrin, Deputy Head of the PSO of the Tax and Customs audit SFS of Ukraine focused attention to the fact  that work with cash registers is not as complicated and demanding as it might seem at first glance.
- Results of progress will be visible immediately, but the PSO is the inevitable future  and the sooner we understand that and accept it, the sooner we will go to the European way of development of the country and to ensure a high quality of life. You can’t build a new Ukraine, using old tools, technologies and processes. Once upon a time there was a lightweight system of taxation, and even earlier to account for not using special programs, and, in general, an accountant creaked moved from accounts on calculators. - said Vyacheslav Povroznik, executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot". - PSO will make accounting transparent and, ultimately, facilitate the conduct of business and entrepreneurs save time, nerves and money, give automatic reporting, reduce the cost of printing and storage of test strips, give the opportunity to control the sale, the balance of goods in the warehouse, the passage of money and even the honesty of sellers.
The organizers invite entrepreneurs to the following seminars, which will also be held in June at the conference hall of the central office (Dorogozhytska str. 1). Registration by phone. 066-399-03-98 (Shatravka Alexander, head of the training network "Foxtrot") or 0-800-501-558 (all calls from fixed and mobile phones in Ukraine are free).
The schedule:
17.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
18.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
19.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
24.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
25.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
26.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30



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