"Foxtrot" for withdrawal of the Ukrainian business out of the shadows and for the implementation of the RSO

May 20, in the office of the European Business Association held a press conference "Cash future of Ukraine: problems, opportunities and prospects". The speakers:  Vyacheslav Povroznik, executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot"; Anna Derevyanko, executive director of the European Business Association; Elena Makeyeva, Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine; Roman Nasirov, chairman of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine; Igor Landa, chairman of the retail trade of the European Business Association.

From the first of July, 2015 the requirement for the mandatory use of RSO spread to a single tax payer groups III, and from the first of January 2016 -  single tax payer group II (except for taxpayers who sell goods in the market and through the mobile network).
The introduction of the mandatory use of RSO in the economic activity is an important issue for businesses and for  the state in the context of cooperation with the IMF, because it is  one of the key requirements of the fund.
Vyacheslav Povroznik supported the introduction of fiscal devices, aimed at combating the shadow incomes and to protect the rights of consumers of real:
- The market of household appliances and electronics in Ukraine is about 100 billion. UAH.  "Foxtrot», “Comfy” and "Eldorado" occupy 30%, even 20% - Parties involved "white" business. The remaining 50% - out of paying taxes. These appliances are imported to Ukraine in "black" or in the “gray." Then the product is sold for cash and taxes he did not pay. Therefore the problem of introduction of cash registers in the plane more margin with unpaid taxes.

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