"Foxtrot" systematically helps immigrants - project "Together" continues

A trading network of "Foxtrot. Home Appliances "summed up the results of the second stage of social charity project" Together ": in February 2015, the retailer together with its clients helped even more families of immigrants in which mothers themselves are raising three or more children.
During the first months of the year shoppers of the network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances "in the framework of the project" We Are Together "acquired special promotional notepads, magnets and postcards in the amount of 14 700 hryvnia. All the received funds were transferred in February to the account of the charity fund "SOS Children's Villages" to support the spirit and Storage & Organization displaced families from the Donbas.

- I’m - a migrant from the zone of the ATO, Luhansk region, raising a yearling twins Kira and Misha myself and fifteen year old Maxim - told a mother Fatima. - Since our move my children had no place to sleep, so I wish to express special thanks to of the network of "Foxtrot" for beds for my two toddlers and older son.

The project participants "We Are Together" helped with a hearing conservation of eight years old Tanya. Together with her eleven years old brother Tolik and mom Ira girl moved to Kyiv region of the native Lugansk in late 2014. She had a chronic disease, which escalated immediately after the move - and Tanya required an immediate assistance by physicians. Through the help of the trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances "for the girl were procured necessary medication and underwent surgery. Doctors are joking that girl is recovering today "Cossack pace."

The financial help from the "Foxtrot" and its customers at this stage of the project also enough to help in settling household yet another family of immigrants from Lugansk: mother with four children, Natalia. The family received household appliances, and life in a new place has become much more comfortable:

The project "We Are Together" continues - and everyone can join for helping children and their parents who had to leave their homes. It's enough just to buy a unique souvenir postcards, magnets and notepads for 5, 7 and 10 hryvnia, respectively visualization of digital-publishing «Glowberry».

The financial report is available on the website of the charity fund "SOS Children's Villages»: https://sos-ukraine.org/uk/fokstrot-semyam-pereselencev-my-vmeste.

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