On the international tournament in sport dancing foxtrot was dedicated to "Foxtrot"

28 February and 1 March in Kiev was successfully held XXVI International tournament on sports dances "Parade of Hope." The tournament was held under the auspices of the Association of sport dance of Ukraine and Group of companies "Foxtrot" and under the guidance of permanent organizer - Valentina Fedorchuk, chairman of the board of the Association of Dance Sport of Ukraine, honored coach of Ukraine and President of Sports Dance Dance Schools Fedorchuk. Six branches for two days, around 1,000 athletes from 50 clubs in Ukraine, international representation of participants from Moldova, Romania, Russia, Belarus, Poland and the UK.

- Thanks to everyone who came to continue our beautiful sporting tradition to begin the spring with the "Parade of Hope" - said Valentina Fedorchuk, who during his career coach released to the floor more than 1,000 dancing. Each branch of the competition started with a real parade - the welcoming ceremony of participants. Hundreds of athletes came out to the applause of the audience, lined up on the floor, introducing themselves, coach, club and country. Bright costumes, glitter rhinestones and eyes, each in their hands - the start-prize from the company "Danone" in Ukraine and TM "Sandora". In the two days of competition struggle was waged for the title of best in standard and Latin American program, in terms of the baby to seniors, including ProAm (teacher-student). About 30 judges from the United States, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, gazed at each spent "pa" in the marathon at the heels, many beat the rhythm incendiary jive or paso doble.

Not once during the standard program in the hall sounded the phrase "and the foxtrot was danced by athletes in honor of long-time partner of the tournament - Group of companies" Foxtrot ".
- For eleven years we begin spring bright and elegant - with a foxtrot! This is our contribution to the development of sport in Ukraine, promotion of healthy lifestyles among compatriots - said during the opening ceremony of the "Parade of Hope" -2015 Milovanova Elena, a specialist in public relations trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances ".  - Very pleased that it already become a tradition, our initiative to hold a tournament for the cup of "Foxtrot". This year the title of best in the performance of this dance confirmed last year's Cup winners - Alexandera Sidorova and Vlad share of Zaporozhye. The guys showed real leadership qualities - as a result of the constancy, endurance and perseverance.

- "Parade of Hope" -2015 passed brilliantly and was held spite of all difficulties and without disabilities in schedule: we were visited by the best dancing couples of the country, world-class judges did not denied in help to our long-term partners - sums up the co-organizer of the tournament, the successor to the School Fedorchuk, master sports of international class, judge of the highest category of world-Alain Fedorchuk Lemishko. - Getting ready floor for "Parade of Hope 2016"!

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