The second "ECOklass" had started!

​January 16, 2015 the youth of the capital ekoaktivisty gathered in Kiev Center "Our Children", to launch the second phase of the All-Ukrainian competition "ECOklass" initiated by "social center of Gennady Vykhodtsev" and realized a trading network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances ".

- Project "ECOklass" designed to change the attitude of the children, through their - peers, parents and teachers to the environment, - said,on opening of the second "ECOklass" Natalia Srednjaja, marketing director of the trade network "Foxtrot", which organized the competition. - Our experience in the first competition indicates that children are willing and able to participate in resolving global problems. They are talented and daring - and after them is future adoption of vital importance to the nation's development decisions. And our competition gives them the opportunity to realize their first adult project and will become the beginning of a great "green" way. Centre for Child Protection "Our Children" hospitably received the launch of the II All-Ukrainian competition "ECOklass." The facility had adopted the innovative heating system, which is based on the exploitation of renewable energy sources. Warmth and care here have surrounded 39 children, including internally displaced persons from the area ATO.

During the presentation of the second phase of the project environmental young ecologists demonstrated in action all three nominations for the contest: have opened exhibition "ECOzima-2015" as the first project in the "eco-design"; pupils had a real aqua-performance technology in ebru and together created the symbol of the project for the category "EСOkreativ." Unusual workshop has become the workshop to find real "ecological innovations" - participants of the event, picking up apples and electrical wiring to the plate, together extracted electricity to light the lamp in the center of the room!

Guests of the festival have congratulated the Director of the Department of vocational and technical education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Vyacheslav Suprun.
- We are confident that the projects will be developed and presented to the participants of the contest will not only help to improve the environmental situation in Ukraine, but also will provide the opportunity to avoid contamination of our planet in the future, - said the head of the Social Center Gennady Vykhodtsev. - The most promising projects submitted for the competition, we will offer for the implementation of organizations and services that deal with environmental safety and cleanliness in our country and on our planet.  After all, the purity of the world begins with us, our thoughts and actions, with workplace cleanliness, rooms, houses, porch and yard.
International partner has become Swiss foundation "Risk Reduction» (Risk Reduction Foundation). Competition is supported by the Institute innovative technologies and content of education MES. Organizers of the competition will receive the contest works on the theme of environmental protection in their region by groups of 1-11 classes, creative student associations of the country between the ages of 6 to 17 years inclusive on April 24, 2015.

For more information about rules of the competition:
Interviews with children about the environment:

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