The European approach in labeling of household appliances

On November 11 the European Business Association (EBA) specialists of trading network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances " together with teachers Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics presented the handbook" Labeling electrical appliances and radio and television: a guide for employees of retail trade. " The study assessed positively by the participants - representatives of the «Metro», «Sony», «Whirlpool», «Electrolux», «Miele», «Indesit», «Delonghi», «Philips», «Vasil Kisil and Partners». This work has summarized the legal requirements in terms of labeling of household and TV-radio, offering market participants of their common understanding.

A special checklist (checklists and examples of markings on different types of products) form the skills of sellers in the evaluation of accuracy and compliance labeling legislation. Handbook criticized by experts of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine in charge of consumer protection policy in Ukraine, by experts of Ukrainian Society of commodity researchers and technologists, Ukrainian public organization "Quality of Life" and the Consumer Federation of Ukrainian "Pulse".

The authors suggested using methodical manual work not only to retailers - Member Committee on retail and importers Committee EBA but also to representatives of the State Inspectorate of Ukraine on protection of consumer rights. - We welcome the initiative of retailers because you renew a long tradition of building a culture of service through training. Previously, such manuals have always been used by Gospotrebzaschity inspectors to conduct inspections: the absence of specific training of specialists it was a significant help in self-education, - said the director of the Department of Internal Trade Ministry of Economy Sergey Litvinenko. - To paraphrase the classics "proper way, comrades." Now it is necessary to ensure that the knowledge about the quality of labeling have adopted by all market participants: Importers have to trace the requirements of labeling, retail chains have to refuse importers if they deliver mislabeled goods, and the seller habe to able to display to the inspector and the buyer marks marking.

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