Eighth audiobook in our Audiolibrary

​a volunteer project for people with sight problems
is developing with the help of GKF and Media Trading

On August 26 at the bookstore "Yea" was presented another audiobook for people with visual impairments - "Third snow" by Ivan Andrusyak. Story was announced and released on audio CDs as part of the volunteer charity project "Audiobooks for visual impairment people "."Third Snow" - first children's work which was read and recorded on audio CDs in this non-profit project. The entire edition of recorded audio books (300 pieces) will be transferred to specialized libraries for the blind and boarding schools for children with visual impairments throughout Ukraine.

The guests of the presentation was the author of a work - a poet writer and publisher Ivan Andrusyak, journalist and host of Ukrainian radio Galina Babi that well-read text of the story on an audio CD.

- Charitable student project "Audiobooks for people with visual impairments" is logical for our business philosophy - "A new quality of life" and provides equal opportunities for the implementation of all members of society - said, congratulating partners with the release of the next an audiobook, spokesman for the group of companies "Foxtrot "Alevtina Beletskaya. - We hope these books will fill the lives of young Ukrainians with new sounds, images and knowledge, and will bring into their lives a new quality.

This is the eighth disc in the framework of the "Audiobooks for people with visual impairments," which was founded by students of the Institute of Journalism University. Shevchenko at the expense of student grants "Initiative of the Year." During project implementation over 2,000 audio books have already gone to the shelves of Central specialized library named after N. Ostrovsky in Kiev, 79 regional libraries, in a number of boarding schools.

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