"Passport of profession" will be sellers

The European Business Association held an expanded meeting of the retailers in the form of a roundtable on the theme "Profession Passport of sales assistant in non-food products." The project aims to improve the quality of education of future sales assistants and developing competencies close to the expectations of employers

"Foxtrot" as a member of the European Business Association, the largest retailer in its sector of the market, a successful employer and socially responsible company, initiated the establishment of professional standards for the specialty "Shop assistant of non-food products." At the first industry meeting on discussion of initiatives gathered more than 10 experts of Ukrainian retailers, including "Foxtrot", "ATB", "Brusnichka", "EKO-market", "Epicenter K", "Cocktail», «MTI», "Novus", "Second», «Billa» and others.

The meeting was also attended by experts SCM - a pioneering company in the development of professional standards for different industries, a member of the European Business Association. SCM representatives shared their experience gained in the implementation of the project "Profession Passport " in 2011-2013.

The main objective of the project "passport of profession" - is to increase the effectiveness of young professionals in the first place to work through adaption in market realities and expectations of employers.
- We observe a low satisfaction of labor market in quantity and quality of specialized education, and even its decline: as, for example, in Ukraine from 134 schools qualified professionals sellers produce several educational institutions in the amount of up to 500 people a year, - outlined the Director of Higher Commercial School KNTEU, chairman of the Association of vocational educational institutions trade and culinary profile Lydia Krisheminskaya.

- Knowledge and skills that today receive young professionals in educational institutions is not enough, so it is important to change the approach to specialized education, adjust it so that in the future we could take on the work of the student without additional training, - has confirmed in his address to HR-s-retailers Dmitry Orlovsky, head of recruitment and retention network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances ".
During the meeting "Foxtrot" presented to HR-managers of retail chains developed their own experience of the professional standard for project of sales assistant of non-food items. For a basis were taken 4 basic functions of labor of sales assistant non-food items, for each of them spelled out the basic labor actions (units) and the criteria for their evaluation. It is planned that as a result of discussion of the best industry practices of retailers will be a comprehensive vision of the professional standard for this profession, and he will get the definition of "industry professional standard 'of this specialty.

After a expertise of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and professionals specialized government agencies, professional standard will be submitted to the Ministry of Education to change the educational programs.

Workshop participants agreed to establish a branch of the Board of retailers under the "Profession Passport." Today in Ukraine there are only two sectorial councils - in metallurgy and chemistry.

- Through the common objectives and joint projects to develop professional standard initiative group of retailers can be successfully transformed into a full-fledged industry advice retailers, - Summarized by Elena Kolesnikova, Deputy Director General of the Federation of Metallurgists of Ukraine, the representative of the branch council at FMU, created during the development of professional standards for the specialty steel industry. - So is the "passport of profession" - a real chance to join the industry in achieving the overall objectives for the development of the market by key European trends.

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