2 drop-off point of Foxtrot frontline points scaled to stores

From the drop-off point to a full-fledged store – the retailer is expanding its services and customer service conditions in Kramatorsk and Slovyansk

On September two Foxtrots started working in full format – In Kramatorsk and Sloviansk. Since the beginning of the war, they were temporarily closed, and in July of this year they were opened and covered as points for issuing online orders.

"This is our way of showing that Foxtrot is always there, regardless of the circumstances and taking into account the safety component for our customers. We expect that front-line stores will become necessary and important for local residents, where they, along with quality goods and services, will receive our support and attention to them," noted Oleksiy Zozulya, CEO of Foxtrot.

The sales hall presents a wide range of smartphones, computer, audio-video, large and small household appliances.

Today, the network has 119 stores, of which 1 functions as a point of delivery of online orders.

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