Group of "Foxtrot" reported back on the sustainable development

​Group of companies "Foxtrot" (GKF) presented VI non-financial report on the sustainable development of the business as a member of the UN Global Compact.

This report reflects the results of socially responsible business in 2013, where among the priorities are given professional development, consumer protection, anti-corruption activities of the enterprises under the trademark business environment.

- The sixth sustainability report showed that we are ready not just to strengthen the state due to achievements in business and social initiatives, but also to unite competitors for solving social problems, - commented Chairman of the founders of the Civil Code "Foxtrot" Gennady Vykhodtsev. - This quality of business activities, we got the first time and are delighted innovations.

First of all, to unite retailers of home appliances and electronics against anti-corruption efforts on the part of the State Inspection of Ukraine on Consumer Rights, as well as the time between the initiatives of changes in Ukrainian legislation on the rights of consumers to get out of the current crisis in the industry.

Perspective for the entire industry of consumer electronics is initiated by a group of "Foxtrot" work on professional standards for the specialty "Seller - Consultant of non-food products" based on industry professional standards together with the Kiev National Trade and Economic University for the approximation of higher professional education to the needs of employers.

- Professional Standard is the foundation that determines the list of competencies of the future specialist. Our collaboration with the Group of companies "Foxtrot" work on the development of specialty Passport allows to answer the difficult question - what should be the relationship between the demands of employers and those strategic objectives set by the higher education system - said First Vice-Rector of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University Professor Natalia Pritulskaya.

Productive improvement became of system actions that minimize the impact of activities on the environment GKF and the further formation of corporate culture through the development of voluntary eco - charity program "Green Office" and the social project "ECOklass" distribution network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances".

Report GKF taken from main site UNGC - and provided membership to active status

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