«EKOclass» from «Foxtrot»: high quality of the social advertising

The ceremony of the ninth Festival of National social advertising (NFSR) award winners took place in the Movies House in Kyiv on 25 February 2016

There were three leaders in the «Complex social-communication projects» category, such us BABYLON Company with the project «Complex Film Festival support «Open Night» (1st place); the Trading Network «Foxtrot. Home appliances» with education ecology project «EKOClass» (2nd place); concern «Healthy Bread in Ration» (3rd place) 

- Social initiative «EKOClass» from the Trading Network «Foxtrot. Home appliances» has become a benchmark in the retail market in Ukraine, – Eugene Romat says. He is a chairman of the Union of advertisers of Ukraine, professor, organizer of the festival. – This is important public example from leader of the sector to other company and simple citizens. It unites Ukrainians if they want to live in of safe, healthy country and to be happy nation.

These festivals are very much needed, because they reflect the contemporary social trends and help society to choose the right way to solve pressing problems. There were many youth projects, calling not to be indifferent to our fellow citizens, migrants from the ATO and the Crimea area, the soldiers – the heroic defenders of our independence; intolerance to corruption, assistance to orphans and homeless animals. Among the variety remains urgent environmental issue that has illustrated the high evaluation by the jury of our social project «EKOclass», – shared his impressions Olena Milovanova, PR-manager of the Trading network «Foxtrot. Home appliances». 

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