1 million UAH - the result of the action «Wonderheart»

February 10, 2016 in Kiev Center of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery took place the presentation of modern medical equipment purchased under the charity initiative "Wonderheart".

Philips Company in conjunction with "Foxtrot" trading network and sup-port of the charity fund "Opened Hearts" held a charity event "Wonderheart" in November and December 2015. The objective of this action – to accumulate 1 000 000 UAH for the purchase of modern medical equipment for the Pediat-ric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Center in Kiev. Anyone could become a member- he or she should just purchase Philips equipment in «Foxtrot» trad-ing network shop. With every purchase Philips company transferred part of money to Kiev Children's Cardiology center. In gratitude, the buyer received heart as a souvenir, which was specially designed for the action by the pro-gram’s ambassador and the famous Ukrainian designer Victoria Gres.

In two months thanks to the hot response of buyers "Foxtrot" managed to get 1 million UAH, which allowed to purchase a mobile compact X-ray ma-chine Practix 360, which provides a high quality of X-ray images. 

In addition, social initiative joined international charitable organization Philips Foundation, which further contributed to the needs of Cardiology EUR 30 000. With their help, we purchased three portable patient monitors Intel-liVue MX450, designed to retrieve all the necessary data about the patient's condition.

- The focus of "Foxtrot" social responsibility – health of Ukrainian youth – comments Vyacheslav Povroznik, executive director of "Foxtrot" trading network. – It`s not for the first time, that we are working with like-minded people all over Ukraine, including Kiev Center of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery of Ukraine. In summer 2011, before the opening of this insti-tution we knew which technique will make comfortable recovery of young pa-tients – and we helped to equip chambers with 20 air conditioners. Now, to-gether with its partners are pleased to help the center again.

- Our center – the largest one in Europe. We help children from birth; about 70% of babies from all over the Ukraine get help in our institution. But advances in treatment are impossible without the use of modern developments in science and technology. Sometimes it is very difficult to transport the sick child after a serious cardiac surgery, and new mobile x-ray unit and portable Philips monitors allow for the necessary tests directly in the room, without moving the little patients - concluded Ilya Yemets, director of the Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Doctor of medical Sciences, honored doctor of Ukraine.

- We thank all those who took part in the action "Wonderheart". Thanks indifferent Ukrainians, we were able to purchase the most modern equipment for Cardiology. It was the first project in a series of initiatives of Philips, whose main task – to fight cardiovascular disease, an important problem for the Ukrainian society, – commented Irina Berezovskaya, CEO of Philips in Ukraine.

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