"Foxtrot" congratulated the partners not by the souvenirs but by charity help to "Tabletochki" fund.

On December 20th, 2015 "Foxtrot" network has joined the worldwide movement "Charity instead of souvenirs" and provided to the charitable foundation "Tabletochki" 110,000 UAH for the medicines` purchase. 

In New Year's Eve "Foxtrot" trade network greeted its partners with unusual electronic postcards that told that the partners together with "Foxtrot" became benefactors, because instead of ordering Christmas gifts for partners` congratulations retailer made a contribution to the "Tabletochki" charity fund. 

- This is an international charity fund founded by volunteers in 2011, which takes care of seriously ill children from all over Ukraine. They already collected more than 40 million UAH to help children, and 100% of the money is spent as intended, - marketing director Natalya Sredniaya said. - Weight of fund`s help is significant, the credibility of its work is high, and thus the result - saving of critically ill children - will be significant and will delight all the participants of "Charity instead of souvenirs" action.

On January 28th, 2016 "Foxtrot" received the report on money usage that told the Charity fund "Tabletochki" expresses gratitude for helping to raise money for the medicines` purchase to patients of Kyiv children's Hematology and Cancer Center «Okhmatdet» and Kyiv regional cancer hospital. Hundreds of packages of such drugs, as "Avelox" - antibacterial medicine "Vincristine-Teva" - antitumor medicine, "Flekselit" - an antibacterial medicine, "Tsiprinol" - an antimicrobial drug, "Alexan" - an antimetabolite, - were purchased.

- In 2015, the government didn`t held a tender for the drugs` purchase for children with cancer. For full treatment we need 160 items. Many of Ukrainian counterparts of foreign drugs are not suitable for children with cancer because they cause intoxication and young patients has to be pumped in the intensive care unit. Also many drugs are not sold in Ukraine, so we bring them from Spain, France, Austria, Germany and Russia. Thanks to your sensitivity, kindness and participation, we are able to buy such needed drugs for children and to help them take full treatment - said Irina Litovchenko, executive director of the "Tabletochki" Foundation. 

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