Address of the largest domestic sales of home appliances and electronics in Ukraine

These days cleaning system of government under the cover letter of the Law of Ukraine on State Inspectorate for Consumer Protection, headed by S. Smith continued hard arbitrariness and manipulation of the law. The largest home appliance Ukraine - "Foxtrot" and "Eldorado" will continue to be charged with trafficking counterfeit goods. The goal, in our opinion - not consumer protection, and resistance to interference retailers illegal activities department and attempts to put the industry on its knees by the miliardnyh penalties.

Here is the impressive facts about oppression networks "Foxtrot":
• 1 billion 600 million. accrued penalties.
• 231 claims in Ukraine.
• 52 cases reviewed by the court of 1st instance.
• 154 million 138 thousand. - Court of 1st Instance canceled the resolution of the assessment of penalties.
• 211 million 613 thousand. - Court of 1st Instance upheld the decision about charging penalties lodged appeals.

Here are facts about oppression network "Eldorado":
• during the period from 11.27.2013 to 12.05.2013 - About 220 concurrent random inspections (the penalty is calculated).
• in the period from June 2013 to December 2013 - the systematic dissemination of misleading and false information about the trading network through the media.
• November 2013 - levied fines amounting to more than 103 million. (Court of 1st Instance reversed).

All acts of government similar to "greed." Consequences of activity chairman of the State Inspection of Ukraine S. consumer Smith and his first deputy Vladimir Wilczynski be catastrophic - not a complicated job in this time may remain tens of thousands of employees of companies "Foxtrot" and "Eldorado" and the state budget would wipe tens of million of revenue. This pressure on the business stealing resources of our companies. In fact, all forces must now be focused on how to prevent a significant rise in technology to the public, to preserve jobs. Instead, we are forced to deal with the "windmills" as senseless and endless court.

We are committed to vigorously and has appealed to the prosecution's assessment of the State Inspection of Ukraine on protection of consumer rights. Due to the current situation, we ask that you begin checking the actions of public officials SM Smith and his first deputy Vladimir Wilczynski . We demand clean up the ranks of officials to expel embezzlers and take measures to prevent further depletion of the Ukrainian people and to protect the business and ordinary people from the tyranny of dishonest officials.

Please be advised that the March 12, 2014 at konsumerskomu VI Festival to be held in KNTEU on World Consumer Rights Day at the roundtable "New Perspectives on Consumer Protection in Ukraine" clearly we are going to put questions to the participants of the event of power - whether it will consider the opinion of business, looking for a way out of economic crisis, saving the industry civilized retail and consumer protection system in Ukraine.

We look forward to a broad representation of the executive branch at the event, and that our demands will be heard, and understanding - here.

We believe in the sincere desire of officials to reform the economy and put an end to schemes of fiscal pressure, rooted in domestic retail.

Trading networks "Foxtrot" and "Eldorado".

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