"Foxtrot" teaches environmental responsibility

In December, as part of nationwide school contest "EKOklass" - a unique initiative Social Center Gennady Vykhodtsev and trading network "Foxtrot" - passed environmental training for inmates Komarovskaya boarding school № 1 Chernihiv region.

Earlier, during a press conference on the launch of "EKOklass" network "Foxtrot" admitted the number of stakeholders of the project Kyiv journalists. Representatives on behalf of journalists trading network "Foxtrot" organized a two-day training for boarding pupils. During the training, with the help DEOO "Flora" with the assistance of BF "Crone" wards learned how to reduce pollution have heard a lot about healthy eating and cognitive - on planet Earth. Training literally "lit up" the children EcoIDEA interesting.

So guys offered an action plan for the creation of "Eco-schools of the future" on the basis of their boarding, as well as many practical ideas in the style of "Green Life". An interesting idea was to lay an orchard near the school, the benefits of the landing which teenagers economically substantiated and proven. One of the teams invited to install on the school bins for different types of waste and paint them in different colors, and regularly carry out actions to collect waste paper. Recorded idea of ​​composted waste from the dining room to use their land to feed the local greenhouse and future flower garden.

- A two-day training saturated formed in children a sense of ownership and understanding of the need to care about nature. They received not only theoretical knowledge of organic farming, but also in practice with their hands laid a small composting unit and launched it seven Californian worm to create vermicompost - says Larissa Sidelnik program coordinator Ukrainian Charitable Foundation "CROWN". In addition, children in this unit made the first steps to establish an implementation plan for a business idea "Creating a small breeding farm red Californian worm -" My vermihozyaystvo, "defining the necessary resources, calculating profit and planning the next steps for the development of such an economy.

- During the training, I realized for myself how to properly take care of nature, do not pollute the earth and be "green" consumer. I liked the fact that all could hear through games and exercises. Thanks to the journalists for this training. Would like to see more such events were held - shared his impressions Eugene Kozitskaya, youngest participant training.

- Training on cultivation of environmentally friendly products promoting social adaptation of orphans and children deprived of parental care.

It is perfectly correlated with the motto contest "EKOklass" - "Your first adult project", because these young people a couple of years will have to leave the walls of the boarding and settle yourself in life. It is likely that some of them will begin their work - Organic Farm or vermihozyaystvo, - said Vyacheslav Povroznik, executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances ". Read more about how children and adults - together - can improve the environment and native land: www.foxtrot.com.ua/ecoclass.

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