We invite entrepreneurs to free workshops on working with RSO

Trading network "Foxtrot" in the systematic work to increase the market share of white household appliances and electronics in Ukraine has organized a series of workshops explaining all aspects of the work with cash registers.
Before the introduction of the Law of Ukraine about obligatory application of cash registers (the Law of Ukraine №71-VIII «On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and certain legislative acts of Ukraine concerning the tax reform" from 12.28.2014 years) many entrepreneurs have any questions. How to work in the new environment? How to optimize the implementation of registrars settlement operations (RSO) and how to benefit from it for themselves and for clients? Until first July, the single tax payers need to have time to deal with the intricacies of the process of implementation of RSO: what to teach staff, what fundamental differences between different models of cash registers , how to register them in the tax and how to conclude the contract for their operation.
With the initiative of consulting support for entrepreneurs in training dealing with RSO acted trading network "Foxtrot".
- I see a clear logic of the introduction of this tool, and as a businessman,  and as a consumer. First of all, cash registers  protect the interests of the buyer, they receive only high quality products and all their accompanying guarantees and services, - says about the introduction of the new law Vyacheslav Povroznik, Executive Director of the trade network "Foxtrot". - As for the market of home appliances and electronics, the presence of cash receipt makes it virtually impossible to sale smuggling and counterfeit. In the structure of household appliances and electronics  market in Ukraine, which is 46.17 billion. UAH. (for 2014), about half of the sales, in our opinion, belong to the "gray" and "black" market. The innovation should increase the proportion of white market beyond the first year of work as a civilized retailers and sellers of high-quality certified equipment from world producers.
Organizers of the workshops see the skills training in use of PPO as a platform for cooperation, where all interested citizens can take free workshops, consisting of 3 multimedia blocks. Training seminars secured theory in practice, as well as interactive, involving experts "Foxtrot", the tax representative and the RSO manufacturer.
The events will take place in June at the conference hall of the Central office "Foxtrot" (Kyiv,  Dorogozhytska str, 1). The schedule of free classes:
10.06.2015 – from 10:00 to 12:30
11.06.2015 – from 10:00 to 12:30
12.06.2015 – from 10:00 to 12:30
17.06.2015 – from 10:00 to 12:30
18.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
19.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
24.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
25.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
26.06.2015 - from 10:00 to 12:30
The number of places is limited! Number for registration of participants: 066-399-03-98 (Alexander Shatravka, "Foxtrot") or the hotline: 0-800-501-558.

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