Two presentations of "Foxtrot" - alone European strategy

"European trading days" began at a round table "European dimension of trade development in Ukraine" in the conference hall Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNTEU). The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, domestic and foreign industrial chambers, the Consumer Federation of Ukrainian "Pulse", associations of producers, retailers and educational institutions. Director of the Department of Trade Sergey Litvinenko introduced the concept of implementation of the state policy of domestic trade, as well as the draft law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine" (concerning the protection of consumers' rights) ", prepared in 2014 by the working group with the participation of retailers and importers - members of the European Business Association.

During the roundtable experts of trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances "together with teachers from KNTEU presented at a roundtable joint project - handbook: "Marking electrical appliances and radio and television: a guide for employees of retail trade." Handbook criticized by experts of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, as well as experts of the Ukrainian Society of merchandise and technologists, the Ukrainian public organization "Quality of Life" and the Consumer Federation of Ukrainian "Pulse". Work is summarized the legal requirements in terms of labeling of household and body-radio, offering market participants of their common understanding. After all, domestic laws to protect Consumer Rights in terms of the labeling requirements of household appliances are at odds and ambiguous interpretations of containing corruption risks and lead to unwarranted penalties assessed multibillion retailers by the State Inspectorate of Ukraine on protection of consumer rights, dispute that account by the courts.
- We strive to qualitative changes in the domestic retail and welcome the determination of the profile ministry to facilitate these changes, so we have actively participated in the working group to change the law on protection Consumer Rights, - said the executive director of the trade network "Foxtrot. Home Appliances "Vyacheslav Povroznik. - We hope that the new parliament will soon take our bill, and yet we, together with partners from KNTEU created a handbook of the correctness completeness and compliance labeling technique to the current legislation, and the sellers are already trained network.

First Vice-Rector KNTEU and president of the Ukrainian Federation of consumers "Pulse" Natalia Pritulskaya noted that a "pro-European and a healthy approach to the protection of consumers' rights: "The strength of the European standards of life is not that there is created a powerful apparatus for inspections, but in well-planned and honestly implementation of the law."
During the roundtable experts of Higher Commercial School KNTEU and "Foxtrot" familiarized the participants with another common achievement - the professional standard for sales assistant of non-food products, the so-called "passport profession", the purpose of which is to improve the quality of human-resource in the retail sector, and young professionals - facilitate the adaptation of the first workplace. Professional standard with the support of the European Business Association was examined by retailers, including 7 retailers: "ATB" and "Brusnichka" (food retail leaders), "MIT» (IT-goods, shoes, appliances and computer equipment), "Epicenter -K "(building hypermarkets)," Second "(clockwise retail) and initiator of the project - a network of" Foxtrot. Home Appliances ".

- Our specialists have demonstrated at the "European day of trading" real results that systematically in terms of implementing European standards in the practice of Ukrainian retail - commented Chairman of the Board of the founders of the Group of companies "Foxtrot" Gennady Vykhodtsev. - Thank you KNTEU partners for cooperation, support of our initiatives and presentation platform.

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